2 hour FREE Intro to competing seminar 9am – 11am (an overview of the elements of contest preparation) Free seminar outlining the various aspects of competing in a: Bodybuilding, Figure, Fitness, Bikini, Physique, Classic Physique competition.
- DATE: Sun, May 7, 2017
- TIME: 9am-11am
- LOCATION: Summit Fitness, 905 Harvey Rd B, Auburn, WA 98002
- What are all the elements of contest preparation?
- What class should you do?
- What resources are available to me?
- What are the various contacts and experts in the NW that can assist me and the differences?
- events / promoters
- trainers
- Diet / nutrition
- posing
- judging
- contest prep coaches
- suits
- contest tanning
- photography
- sponsorships
- teams
- hair
- make/up
- What are the various expenses involved with competing?
- How much time do I need?
4 hour Contest Prep seminar 12:00 – 4 pm (A deeper look into what is takes to do well at competition) This seminar will give you knowledge, incite and a new perspective on many elements relevant to physique type competition preparation. It is my intention that with this new gained wisdom, you will have a broader based understanding with more depth to better manage your bodies in a safe predictable manner
- DATE: Sun, May 7, 2017
- TIME: Noon – 4:00 pm
- LOCATION: Summit Fitness, 905 Harvey Rd B, Auburn, WA 98002
- Exercise program design & monitor
- Posing, elements of competing, hiding weakness, showcase strength
- Peaking for the show….final weeks, final week, final days, day of competition, (diet, training program).
- Manage your off season diet and training with the purpose of optimizing organ functions, hormone balances and in turn muscular gains and fat loss.
- Set yourself up for a successful pre-contest diet that empowers you with the knowledge and ability to effectively manage sticking points. Learn multiple interventions to break through these sticking points.
- What should you be doing 6 weeks out? 3, 2 & 1 week out, as well as the day of the show.
- Learn what you should be doing that last days of contest prep in terms of diet, training, and hydration.
- Following the contest you should be able to properly asses many metabolic functions and have a systematic plan to restore any imbalances and deficiencies.
- Design weight training & cardio vascular training programs to coincide with various phases of your diet.
- Posing tips and guidance
- Learn how to peak right every time without the use of diuretics and dramatic fluid shifts, drastic and unsafe, electrolyte imbalances.
- Take the guess work out of “Carb loading”